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Beskrivelse: The presentation begins with reference to G. Koznichev and L. Trauberg and the effect of their famous trilogy on other films. The trilogy engages in the story of the life and development of the Soviet worker Maxim. In the first part, it shows the worker before the Revolution, where he falls in love with Natasha, he becomes a Bolshevik, throws himself in the subversive struggle and is lead to prison. In the second part, Maxim and his friends take part in big worker protests against the war. In the third part, after the October Revolution of 1917, Maxim becomes a political commissary, responsible for the nationalization of a bank and has contacts with Lenin and Stalin. The presentation is completed with reference to the selection by the director of words, movements, characters, moments, to the photography and humor of the trilogy that is characterized as one of the most important films in Russia in its time.
Leverandør: Tainiothiki tis Ellados